UCSF Neurosurgery Biorepository

Consent Forms

The UCSF Neurosurgery Biorepository has over 40 years of continuous CHR approval (IRB# 10-01318). If you need a copy of our current approval letter please let us know.

Adult Consent

Allows collection of tissue from Adult patients.

  • Surrogate signatures are now allowed for patients who are not competent to consent for themselves.
  • Check boxes allow patients to opt in or out of TCGA project.

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Parental Consent

Allows collection of tissue from patients under 18 years of age.

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Authorization to Transfer Sample

Allows transfer of slides and paraffin blocks from patient's previous surgeries performed at other institutions. Allows separate blood draw in clinic for patients who had previous surgery at UCSF but did not have blood drawn during the procedure.

Download Form >

Signature of Person Obtaining Consent

Consents MUST be signed and dated by the person who conducted the consent discussion.

Expired Consent Forms

If you need hardcopies, please contact the Biorepository Manager.


  1. It is best if properly signed and witnessed consent documents are in the patient chart at the time of biospecimen collection. Please contact Manager with any questions or concerns about the consent process: 415-502-7796
  2. The patient will need to initial parts C and G on the HIPAA form to give specific permission to release genetic testing and to participate in the creation of a database.
  3. All personnel administering consents for the Tissue Bank must be current on their CITI Human Subjects Protection training in order to be valid.